Audio46 Announces Our Headphone Giveaway Winner

by: Audio 46
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Audio46 Announces Our Headphone Giveaway Winner

Audio46 Names Our Headphone Giveaway Winner

Audio46 would like to thank all of the contestants who participated in our Headphone Review Giveaway. We wish you all could have won, but unfortunately there was only one winner.

The T51-i giveaway winner of this contest was selected by the most article reads. The contest was extremely close and hard-fought. We are proud to announce that Omar S. is the winner.

This high school student will be graduating in the winter of this year. Omar fills his time with reading and researching politics and science. His aspirations are to eventually work with The European Organization For Nuclear Research (CERN).

While continuing to further his education Omar admits to being a fan of several musical genres. Classical, electronic, rock, and world music, being his favorites to listen to. Some of Omar’s favorite musical acts include Aphex Twin and Sebastian Akchote, because they manage to work with and fuse multiple genres, while leaving lasting impressions on him.

Congratulations Omar We Hope you enjoy your new Beyerdynamic T-51i Headphones.

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