MajorHifi Ranking Tool for Headphones, IEM & Earphones

by: Franco Giacomarra
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MajorHifi Ranking Tool for Headphones, IEM & Earphones

MajorHifi has just released their brand new headphone, IEM/earphones and TWS (true wireless earbuds) ranking tool, and we’ve tested it out to see if it’s worth checking out yourself. 

MajorHifi’s ultimate headphone and IEM ranker claims to be a first of its kind tool to help audiophiles and music lovers alike find the best piece of gear for them - perfectly tailored to their exact needs. And I have to say, the amount of specificity and different methods of categorization you can use here are quite impressive.

Different Filters and Option to Sort Columns Make It Easy to Narrow Down Options

Firstly, you can filter it out to only search for a certain brand e.g. Audio Technica, Sennheiser, Focal Audio which is ideal for someone who has loyalty to their personal favorite company, or like a certain house style.

You Can Get Extremely Specific with Different Technologies

You can also search by principle here, which is a really terrific element. Often in other tools like this, you’ll get the choice between headphones or earbuds. The MajorHifi ranking follows this, with different sections available for headphones, IEMS, earphones and true wireless. But even beyond this, you can cycle through a wide range of very specific options such as: planar, electrostatic, deep motion, M shaped, Tesla and many more. 

The best part here is that if you’re a real gear head, you can nail down what you want right down to the specific technology. If you’re a more casual consumer, you can skip right over this.

Get the Best Model for Exactly What You Like to Listen To

 Another unique aspect of this ranking tool is the Genre Focus section. For each model, the website’s team of experts includes a shortlist of genres and styles that the headphone might be most optimal for. There’s also a general blurb about the overall timbre strengths of each unit, as well as a quick rundown of the performance across highs, mids and lows - this is a really great layout in which all of the quick information you need to know if a headphone is right for you is in one easy place.

Finally, the last category is obviously price, which you can filter out according to your budget. This particular database has such a wide number of products, that they really do carry a unit for just about every conceivable budget and taste.

Check out our video review of the headphone ranking tool as well if interested. See it below.


Best of Both Worlds

A big strength of this system is that it has combined a lot of the strengths of other similar tools. It’s very similar to Crinacle in the way that it indexes and databases the different models, but I think the organization of info here is a little more streamlined. Hifiguides also has a similar filtering system, but the absence of grades and some of the features like timbre and genre focus gives MajorHifi the edge. 

It’s also worth mentioning that the MajorHifi ranking tool is very mobile friendly, which makes it super convenient to boot.

With so many different products and brands, it can be very time consuming to do all the research you need to make sure you get a good product that is also right for you. The MajorHiFi Headphone Ranking tool is a fairly high quality database that can make your life easier, especially if you’re always on the look for your next favorite piece of gear.

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