ddHifi TC44B 2.5mm/4.5mm Balanced Audio Adapter and DAC/Amp - Review

by: Blake McMillan
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ddHifi TC44B 2.5mm/4.5mm Balanced Audio Adapter and DAC/Amp - Review


The TC44B, which runs for $92.99, is a usb 2.5mm/4.4mm balanced audio adapter, available for USB-C or lightening bolt. ddHifi says “The 4.4mm output port is grounded and connected, so it’s more suitable to use with a balanced active speaker.” This “plug and play” device also functions as a DAC/Amp, allowing it to boost high impedance headphones. Its output range has been optimized, allowing the TC44B to upgrade the sound quality of your smartphone. Its cable’s internal conductor uses 30 silver-plated OCC wires and its external conductor uses an additional 60. The cable’s TPU coating is meant to be shock/impact resistant. 

ddHifi TC44B 2.5mm/4.5mm Balanced Audio Adapter and DAC/Amp - Review

Look, Feel, and Durability 

The ultra-compact, minimalistic design of the TC44B makes clear its purpose as a no-frills device. It’s just large enough to fit both inputs, and its short cable makes it easy to stuff in your pocket with your phone. Its size is hard to beat in terms of a tiny DAC/Amp, and while it may not be as fancy and flashy as the rest, its portability is truly remarkable. Build wise, the TC44B's metal casing feels bullet proof and will probably survive longer than your phone will. The only design flaw I could find is that its somewhat sharper edges could scratch up your phone screen if it were placed against it in a tight fitting pocket. Otherwise, this feels like top notch convenience. 

ddHifi TC44B 2.5mm/4.5mm Balanced Audio Adapter and DAC/Amp - Review


The TC44B is a great quick fix connector with the ability to withstand a lot of wear and tear. It delivers the bare necessities without trying to fool you into thinking it has any other purposes, and its quality and highly compact design put it a few steps above competitors. 


You can purchase the ddHifi TC44B here.

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