Thieaudio Monarch III Review

by: Gabby Bloch
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Thieaudio Monarch III Review

Thieaudio has been exponentially increasing in popularity since the success of overachieving heavy hitters, such as the Prestige and Divinity. Now, it has introduced its third iteration of my personal all time favorites, the Monarch. The Monarch III promises some major upgrades and enhancements to its sound profile. What can you expect in terms of sound signature and performance?

What’s in the Box?

  • Monarch MKIII In-Ear Monitors

  • 22AWG 6N OCC Silver-Plated and Graphene Silver-Plated Cable With Modular System

  • Foam and Silicone Ear-tips

  • Carrying Case

Thieaudio Monarch III Review: Unboxing

Look and Feel

For my tastes, the Monarch III is probably the most aesthetically attractive iteration yet. With smoky grey streaks bleeding over a pearly silver faceplate (other colors available), The Monarch III offers just he right balance between grown-up elegance and whimsical glitter. More important, the fit is one of the most comfortable I’ve tried on the market. It's smooth an ergonomic with a snug seal and decent sound isolation. No complaints.

Thieaudio Monarch III Review: Comfort and Appearance


The MKIII sports a 10 driver hybrid arrangement with a 4-way crossover: 2 dynamic, 6 balanced armatures and 2 electrostatic drivers. One of the 2 dynamic driver uses Thieaudio’s IMPACT 2 subwoofer, designed to enhance bass power and texture. The Sonion electrostatic drivers have also been incorporated to deliver a “more comprehensive upper frequency extension, resulting in improved staging and resolution.” We’ll see if these promises hold up. With an impedance of 18 Ohms and a sensitivity of 100dB, the Monarch III is easy to drive, though it does seem to benefit from a little extra driving power. For this review, I paired the Monarch III with the Astell & Kern SR 35.

Thieaudio Monarch III Review: Pair with Astell & Kern SR 35

Sound Impressions


The immaculate imaging is perhaps the most striking quality of the Monarch III’s soundstage. Given that the level of separation is nothing short of stunning, the MKIII creates palpable sense of space, making you feel as if you could reach out and grab the instruments, all of which are generously spread out into soaring heights and vast depth and stereo fields. Furthermore, the incredibly precise placement creates a vibrant and nuanced playfulness between various elements in this mix. For sure, the stage is thoroughly multidimensional and immersive, and it's clear that the Monarch III overdelivers for the price point here. 


A thunderous sub-bass meets warm and powerful bass frequencies to create a generous and impactful low-end. But despite its substantialness, there’s a remarkable level of transparency and control in this range. Tracks reveal a tight and textured bass that’s delivered with tons of speed and agility. There's also a dark chocolaty color to the tonal qualities that lends extra character, substance and authenticity to the instrument. For sure, this is a low-end that will attract bass-lovers and more moderate audiophiles alike.


This is one of the most unique and engaging midranges I’ve heard in ages simply because it’s so damn confident and clean. It boldly pops out with tons of presence and uncompromising detail, shining the spotlight on vocals and instruments that are often more moderately placed in the mix. But this forwardness never causes a moment of harshness or thinness. In fact, the low-mid bumps give just the right amount of warmth and body, while the upper mids aren’t so favored as to make the mix sound lopsided. It’s also impossible to overemphasize how damn clean the layering is in this range. And overall, this is a highly luminous, intimate and tight sounding midrange profile that becomes harder to resist the longer you listen.


The radiant quality that mildly colors the mids comes out in full force in the high frequencies. The fantastic resolution also does wonders for vocals, shining a spotlight on all the quieter timbral qualities that are often lost in a smoother, less detailed high-end. That said, there is nothing sharp or overly-edgy about this treble and the highest peaks are always delivered comfortably without compromising on detail or resolve. And while you won’t hear a ton of sparkle, the Monarch III still delivers a ton of energetic crispness that lends ample funk to modern tracks.


The Monarch III is insanely good in every conceivable way, from it's deep, nimble and highly detailed bass, to its pristine midrange and vivid soundstage. And many audiophiles may be left wondering why Thieaudio didn’t set a higher price point. This is because, without question, the Monarch III proves to be one of the most talented and most memorable IEMs in its class, firmly carving it’s place next to the few other $1k greats, such as the Andromeda and Meze Rai Penta. Whether you’re a newcomer looking for your first end-game IEM, or a seasoned audiophile hoping to add a well-rounded sound signature to your arsenal, it really literally doesn’t get any better than the Monarch III. 

You can buy the Thieaudio Monarch III at Audio 46.

Thieaudio Monarch III Review: Best IEM in its class

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